Webelos Scout Resources for a Great Program

Webelos Adventure Requirements Webelo 2024

webelos handbook

This information is out of date.
Use the new Webelos information.

Webelos Meaning:
We'll Be Loyal Scouts

Webelos Goal:
Prepare a Cub Scout to be a Scout

Webelos is for 4th and 5th grade youth to prepare to join a Scouts BSA troop while learning outdoors skills and participating in many adventures. A well-run group of Webelos is a gradual change from being an 'adult-run' den to being a 'scout-run' patrol ready to fit right into an adventurous Scouts BSA troop. This migration requires the parents and den leaders to give the scouts more and more control, decision-making power, and responsibility as they progress in skills, abilities, and maturity.

  1. Go to BeAScout.org
  2. Click the 'Cub Scouts' tab.
  3. Enter your zipcode and click the arrow button.
  4. Click on a Pack near you to see its contact info so you can call the Pack or your local Council about joining.
  5. Complete a BSA Youth Application and Health Record and give them to the Cubmaster of the Pack you choose.

Webelos Program:
The Webelos program has two major milestones - the Webelos rank badge to be earned toward the end of 4th grade and the Arrow of Light to be earned in 5th grade. The final part of Webelos is bridging over into a Scouts BSA troop selected individually by the scout.
Once the goals of Webelos are understood, the methods of the program make a lot of sense!

Webelos Advancement
Webelos Scouts do adventures described in their Webelos handbook that advance them towards their Webelos rank. By completing at least six adventures, the Webelos rank is earned.

  1. Be an active member of your Webelos den for three months. (Being active means having good attendance, paying your den dues, and working on den projects.)
  2. Complete each of the five Webelos required adventures:
    1. Cast Iron Chef
    2. Duty to God and You
    3. First Responder
    4. Stronger, Faster, Higher
    5. Webelos Walkabout
    1. Advancement Sign Off - each Webelos scout is supposed to take the handbook to the den leader or assistant den leader for sign off when a requirement is completed. This is a change from having a parent sign off every activity. This change prepares the scout to have a Scoutmaster sign off each advancement requirement in the Scouts BSA program. There is more responsibility put on the scout to remember and bring the handbook to meetings and get it signed.
      Tip: Help the scouts along until they get the routine. Have them bring their Webelos handbook to every meeting and reward them for bringing them until they get it. Have a list of adventure requirements that you plan on completing at a meeting so you, your assistant, or a parent on your behalf can sign off those that are completed right away. This will help the scouts understand the importance of the handbook.
    2. Webelos Adventure Pins - Tiger, Bear and Wolf scouts earned belt loops. Webelos earn pins which can be displayed on the Webelos Colors device. This moves closer to the Scouts BSA merit badge system where recognition items are displayed on a sash.
    3. Camping - Webelos dens should Camp! Cub Scouts can camp as a pack, but Webelos should go out as a den as much as possible to give the scouts opportunities to learn and use their new skills. Each Webelos scout needs to have an adult responsible for the scout on each camping trip. Campouts in the backyard with dinner and s'mores made on a gas grill can be a great way to ease your scouts into the world of camping. Taking your den to a district or council organized summer Webelos camp should be a required part of your program. Most councils have a one or two day overnight camp every summer for Webelos. A Packing List is helpful for a short campout.
      Tip: Be sure you follow Rules for Safe Scouting practices on your camping trips.
    4. Patrols - a patrol is just another name for the den but it does have some significance. Scouts BSA members are organized into Patrols, each with their own name, flag, yell, leader, and emblem. As Webelos, a den can begin to operate as a patrol and select an emblem for their uniform, make up a yell, name, and flag. This can really get the scouts to become a team. Taking their flag along on a campout or hike and announcing themselves with their yell is pretty fun.
      Tip: A great time to start working as a patrol is when everyone in the den earns their Webelos rank. Have a den meeting with the goal of becoming a patrol - choosing a name, selecting an emblem, coming up with a yell, and designing a flag. You might also elect a patrol leader (a denner) to serve for the next month. Each month, a new patrol leader could be elected so each scout has the opportunity to practice leadership skills. The den leader should spend some extra time with the patrol leader explaining how to run a meeting and giving encouragement to lead the other scouts.

    webelos scout

    Webelos Den Leader:
    A well-trained Den Leader is critical to the success of a Webelos Den. The Webelos Den Leader makes advancement opportunities available to the scouts and tracks their advancements. The den leader can also recruit other adults to plan and organize individual adventure outings. One of the main roles of the Webelos den leader is to give each scout opportunities to lead and make decisions, both individually and for the den.

    1. Work directly with other den and pack leaders to ensure that the den is an active and successful part of the pack.
    2. Plan, prepare for, and conduct den meetings with the assistant den leader and den chief.
    3. Plan overnight campouts and other outdoor activities.
    4. Attend pack leaders' meetings.
    5. Lead the den at pack meetings and activities.
    6. Help the den earn the National Den Award.
    7. Work with local scoutmasters to ensure the transition of Webelos scouts to Scouts.

    Webelos den leader guide

    There are many resources available to help the den leader plan and run a successful, interesting program for the scouts. The Webelos Den Leader Guide is the most important one. It has complete den meeting plans for each adventure and many ideas for activities that promote the purposes of Cub Scouting. Using this guide minimizes the time needed to plan worthwhile den events.

    Tip: The Cub Scout motto of Do Your Best should still be a key part of the Webelos program. There is no level of competence or skill required to complete adventures. Putting in personal effort and having fun with fellow scouts is success.

    Tip: Many available Awards are never earned by Webelos. Learn about additional awards offered to your scouts such as the World Conservation Award and Outdoor Ethics Award and try to work them into your schedule, especially for scouts that are completing the adventures quickly.

    More Webelos Scout Information to Use in 2024:
    Webelos Core Adventures - Do six for the Webelos rank
    Webelos Elective Adventures - Do two for the Webelos rank
    Webelos Activities - great den meeting ideas
    Webelos Scout Awards - see what awards are available to Webelos scouts
    Webelos Scout Ceremonies - a few ceremonies
    Webelos Scout Games - den or pack games just right for 4th and 5th graders
    Webelos Scout Graces - fun meal graces
    Webelos Scout Jokes - funny, gross, and silly jokes for scouts
    Webelos Scout Projects - community or conservation projects for your Webelos den
    Webelos Scout Recipes - tasty food recipes for fun snacks at campfires or on overnights
    Webelos Scout Skits - skits that Webelos Scouts like to do
    Webelos Scout Songs - songs for scouts
    Webelos Scout Stories - choose stories that Webelos scouts will enjoy and understand
    Webelos Scout Uniform - make sure you put all those badges and patches in the right spots
    Webelos Scout Tests - online tests for Webelos Scouts to test their knowledge in 2024

    Remember there is no such thing as a Webelo Scout. Whether there is one or a hundred, they are always called Webelos with the 's'.


    May 22, 2015 - Ati So'o

    Has there been any mention about the compass patch and pins for the new Webelos program? I would love for the boys to complete all the adventures, but how will we be able to differentiate those who go above and beyond the required?

    May 23, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @Ati - I've heard nothing of a 'Super Achiever' type recognition. I've not found the compass points item mentioned in the new Webelos handbook, so I believe there is no such recognition going forward. I expect some council will create something like this fairly soon if national BSA does not.
    There are 18 elective adventures, 5 Webelos core adventures, and 4 Arrow of Light core adventures. Completing all 27 of them would certainly take extra effort by the scout.

    May 31, 2015 - Den Ldr Rich

    Some of our Webelos went to Council overnight camp and during the camp they completed numerous requirements. Most of the boys are working towards their Webelos Badge, but many of the requirements they did were for the Arrow of Light. The question I have is do we sign off on the AOL requirements now or will they have to redo them after they earned their Webelos Badge? I should note we'll be following the new program with these scouts.

    Jun 01, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @Rich - If the scouts have not earned their Webelos rank by today (6/1/15) then they are supposed to now use the new program materials, and it sounds like that is what you are doing.
    If you will be using the new program, then those past activities from the old program will not be used unless you find specific requirements in new adventures that exactly match what was done in the activity at camp. For example, in old Readyman scouts "attend a first aid demonstration" but in new First Responder they "visit with a first responder" - those are not the same.

    Jun 02, 2015 - sara burch

    I was wondering about the camping requirements for weblos, I am wondering about the boys that don't go on our pack camping can they use any family camp or mom and me or dad in lad instead what are the rules for requirements?

    Jun 03, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @sara - All the Cub Scout requirements that state participating in a "Pack Campout" are pretty clear that the requirement is to be completed on a PACK campout unless the chartered organization does not permit the Pack to camp. That is the only clearance to substitute camping with just the scout's family instead.
    But, if you look over the Webelos requirements, the Castaway elective adventure is the only one that has a camping requirement - a scout does not need to camp to earn Webelos.

    Jun 04, 2015 - Rose

    The Super Achiever Award is not a BSA National Award. This is an award created by the local councils. This is why you won't see anything about it being announced through National.

    Jun 04, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @Rose - That's true, that various Webelos recognitions for completing all 20 activity badges were created by councils, but you can purchase a "Webelos Super Achiever" patch from the official national BSA store at Scoutstuff.org specifically for recognizing that achievement. So, there may very well be a similar such patch available for the new Webelos adventures - and possibly for scouts completing all adventures at any rank. And, if national BSA doesn't do it, I'd bet on some councils doing it.

    Jun 07, 2015 - ben

    I don't see any requirments for the new program for Webelos to use a compass? Am I missing it, or is it gone?

    Jun 07, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @ben - There is none. I don't believe there was a requirement in the previous program for a Webelos to use a compass either. There was an optional Map and Compass belt loop, but not required.

    Jun 07, 2015 - Logan dobson

    Awesome advise

    Jun 23, 2015 - Kevin ordway

    Under the new program can AOL pin be worked on during the webelos year. I.e. Can they work on camper when both webelos and AOL dens camp with the Boy Scout troop?

    Jun 23, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @Kevin - The only guidance I can find in the Webelos Den Leader Guide is: "There is no required order in which adventures must be earned." And, that is on page 19 where all the Webelos and AOL and Elective adventure images are shown.
    So, it appears what you ask is fine, and that a scout could earn Arrow of Light before earning Webelos rank.

    Jul 10, 2015 - ScoutmomX2

    Since all our Webelos will be going into their second year and working towards earning their AOL, we will continue to use the old program. I believe that is acceptable, so is it safe to assume that the BSA will continue to make the old advancement pins througout the new scouting year?

    Jul 10, 2015 - Scouter Joe

    @ScoutermomX2 They SHOULD be available until May of 2016. Though after the first of the year the NDC will stop making the discontinued awards and let them run out.

    Best advice is per-purchase awards for your boys, especially more popular awards like the "Super Achiever".

    Jul 29, 2015 - Mandy

    The new Webelos rank requires you to complete two electives, and the Arrow of Light rank requires you to complete three electives. Does this mean they need to complete a total of five electives or do the two earned for the Webelos rank also count for the Arrow of Light (meaning they only need to earn a total of three electives)?

    Jul 29, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @Mandy - They are two separate requirements, and it would be a total of five electives.

    Aug 21, 2015 - Daniel Kim

    So do most Webelos do the elective achievements on their own, or does the den decide as a group which electives to do together?

    Aug 22, 2015 - Alice/Ron Piri

    No, our council is not having the old activity pins available all year. They are ending it already Sept. 15th. So buy yours if you know exactly what they are working on to finish the old book. I think National may have given them a deadline to send them back at that time frame.

    Aug 24, 2015 - Scouter Joe

    @Daniel Kim - Both! There's no where that says that boys cannot do extra "Adventures" at home. Remember that Den Leaders are not the only ones who can sign off on things. Your Den Leaders should outline a year plan so as your scout doesn't do two of the same.

    @Alice/Ron Piri - Council Shops may be different but National Shops will have old Webelos awards until May 2016 for those who have decided to run the old program. The policy for other awards will be determined later this year.

    Aug 27, 2015 - cubbie

    Do you still have to earn the weblows before you can earn your arrow of light

    Aug 31, 2015 - Scouter Joe

    @Cubbie So this has been a center of a lot of confusion and cause a lot of leaders to be upset.

    This provision was put into the program specifically for those boys who enter the Cub Scout program in the 5th grade. They felt this would help boys not get discouraged and continue into Boy Scouts.

    For boys who do not fit into this category, techincally they can earn their AOL before Webelos BUT National has said that AOL can NOT be presented before Webelos.

    Webelos should be encouraged to earn the Webelos rank as normal unless extending circumstances prevent this.

    Sep 11, 2015 - Chuck

    Can you take webelos on a campout with out being OWL training

    Sep 14, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @Chuck - There are tight guidelines for Cub Scout camping at the den and pack levels. OWL Training is not required, but an attending adult responsible for each scout is required. For a Pack campout, BALOO Training is required. See BSA page as a starting point.

    Sep 18, 2015 - Steve Jacobson

    Does anyone have an online version or pdf file of the Webelos Den Leader Guide - with the new Adventures? Looking for lesson plans or den meetings to implement the new program.

    Sep 18, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @Steve - They are not available for free. You can just buy one for $9 at your local scout shop, or online at scoutstuff.org
    The new den leader guides provide you with a complete program if you want to follow a pre-defined year of meetings.

    Sep 22, 2015 - Tracy

    I have three second year Webelos that are currently working on the Arrow of Light under the old program.
    Can they also earn pins from the NEW program that can be used toward their compass arrow points?

    Sep 22, 2015 - Scouter Joe

    @Steve Jacobson - You can also purchase the e-book version from Amazon books.

    @Tracy - Yes they can! During this period, both are valid.

    Sep 30, 2015 - Tania

    I have one new 5th grade scout that just joined. The other Webelos are 4th graders. We were already working on a required adventure for Webelos badge, which is not required for AOL, when the new scout participated in that den meeting. Can the new 5th grader, upon completing the requirements, count this Webelos required adventure as an elective for the AOL? I don't want to discourage him from completing the adventure as he was excited about doing it.

    Sep 30, 2015 - Leader Chris

    Your situation is similar to mine. My den is now two 5th graders that earned Webelos last year and a new first year 5th grade Arrow Of Light'r. We don't have the resources to have another leader just for the new boy so I have to figure out a way for the two older boys to keep on the old program while also implementing the new program to the new boy all the while making sure all three of them get their requirements met and have fun doing it. It's an exercise in pushing the leader's patience to it's limit. The older boys have far too many of the achievements done or in progress to change now (8 finished 3-5 in progress from summer activities). Somehow we need to keep the excitement and follow the requirements to the letter. In my opinion thats a tall order

    Sep 30, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @Tania - The elective adventures are shared between Webelos and Arrow of Light, but the required adventures are different for Webelos and Arrow of Light. So, what you are proposing should not be done.

    Usually, there is a 4th grade den and a 5th grade den. You are running into the common challenge when combining the two - 4th graders are doing Webelos and 5th graders are doing Arrow of Light.

    If that new 5th grader wants to, he could earn both Webelos and Arrow of Light. It would take some extra effort on his part, doing all the Webelos adventures along with the 4th graders, and probably doing the AoL adventures more on his own.

    Oct 30, 2015 - Kathy

    If my Weblos earn their Duty to God religious emblem, does that count for both the "Duty to God and You" requirment as well as the "Duty to God in Action"?

    Nov 01, 2015 - Scouter Joe

    @Kathy No it does not, just as if they earned it as a Bear it would not count for Webelos; 1=1 on religious awards.

    Now if they are apart of a religion that has multiple levels of awards, and they earn the next level that would fulfill the requirements. Otherwise they will need to pass off the alternative requirements at home.

    Nov 03, 2015 - MariaK

    Is there an updated version of the Outdoorsman Activity badge?

    Nov 03, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @MariaK - Many of the requirements in the old Outdoorsman exist in other new Webelos adventures, such as Cast Iron Chef, Webelos Walkabout, and Scouting Adventure. The same is true of other old Webelos activities - they weren't just renamed, many of the requirements were modified and redistributed into adventures.

    Nov 18, 2015 - Boedee

    I'm so confused! I thought we worked in the Webelos requirements first and then did the AofLrequirements next. . I have a parent who wants to work on the Arrow of Light requirements along the way. Please help! :)

    Nov 19, 2015 - Scouter Joe

    @Boedee Technically you are both right!

    With the new program, the requirement for needing to earn you Webelos to earn your AOL was removed; BUT the AOL cannot be awarded before the Webelos rank for those boys not just joining the Den.

    Now depending on the type of Unit you are this could or could not effect you. I encourage LDS units to switch back ad forth between the two and work in a yearly cycle because they only have one year of Webelos..

    They as parents can work on whatever and get the DL ok, but warn them that you will be working on them too, suggest that they only work on the elective Adventure pins..

    Dec 05, 2015 - Rolanda

    Chris and Tania, I realize this may irrelevant for you now, but for others who may see the post and be in the same situation, this may help. I had a core group of 5 second year webelos who had been together since tiger and wolf. They were just finishing super achiever awards when we got 4 brand new boys joining scouts for the first time. Yes earning bobcats. I had a new tiger den, so I had the experienced webelos step into leadership roles to teach the Cubs (and their new mates) the early work and then plan and teach the new boys the arrow of light stuff. Yes it was challenging, but much less so than having two different groups. They are all still together as star and life scouts, and started Boy Scouts with many of the leadership foundations and strong relationships that have made them a successful. Don't underestimate the capabilities of the boys.

    Dec 08, 2015 - Lori

    Hi: My son entered his Webelos den in Dec 2014, when he turned 10, and has attended that den for the majority of this past year (they did not meet a lot during the summer months). He just turned 11 (Dec) and is in the 5th grade. One year was not quite enough for him to complete all of his Webelo and Arrow of Light requirements. He did a lot of work in the old book but has also been working out of the new book. We are trying to figure out what requirements from the old book translate to requirements in the new book. Is he able to continue working on his Webelo and Arrow of Light requirements at home with a parent for the next 6 months or so until the end of 5th grade? It seems Webelo/Arrow of Light is generally an 18- month program.

    Dec 08, 2015 - Scouter Paul

    @Lori - A scout working alone with his parent, rather than being in a den, is called Lone Scouting. That is a program intended for boys that do not have the opportunity to be involved in a den and pack. He should continue to be part of his Webelos den.
    If all the other scouts in his den are crossing over to a Boy Scout troop, then that would most likely be best for him since he'll be moving on with the gang. Whether or not he earned his Webelos rank and AoL doesn't matter in Boy Scouts.

    May 04, 2016 - Larry French

    My incoming Webelos den will be completing third grade in May. Their Den leader has already started them on Web. I requirements and wants to have this den complete Webelos I and II by the end of their 4th grade. To me this will disrupt a solid program with them earning their Webelos badge and then their AOL in 5th grade. What is a STRONG argument for me to use with this leader to follow the CS program in place now.

    May 05, 2016 - Scouter Paul

    @Larry - You, as a den leader, shouldn't be having an argument with the other den leader. You have no authority over him/her. You should inform your Cubmaster of your concern that the den leader is not using the BSA Bear program and is disrupting your Webelos program - see Cubmaster Role.
    If the Cubmaster does nothing, or you want to escalate things, bring it up to your Pack Committee Chair at the next Pack committee meeting - see Committee Chair Role.

    There is no Web I or Web II. There is the Webelos program and the Arrow of Light program, but both are for Webelos dens. I hope your Pack is using the new Cub Scout program materials that became active last year.

    May 18, 2016 - Nancy E. Barnes

    What are the requirements for the Outdoor Activity Award listed on page 526 of the Webelos handbood? There are no requirements listed for this award.

    May 18, 2016 - Scouter Paul

    May 22, 2016 - A. Varble

    For the new Cub Scout program, for those who have extra compass patches and points lying around, it seems like you could award the compass patch with the Webelos patch (seven adventures down--5 required and two elective) and then give a compass point for each additional four elective adventures (3 points=12 elective adventures). After the last four electives (total 16 (b/c two were used for the Webelo rank)), which includes those electives needed for the AOL, you could award the Super Achiever with their Arrow of Light.

    Jun 03, 2016 - Meems

    My son joined the cub scouts this year and Is part of the Webelos group. He also has autism and takes a little bit longer time to fulfill the rank requirements. He has done half of the required adventures and one elective. We have tried to get him to do an overnight camp adventure with his group but have not been fully successful yet. Though he did attend that camp for the day. He's recently been crossed over, however, was not able to receive his Webelos badge. He has inquired as to why he didn't receive the badge that he has worked toward to get. I have contacted the den leader inquiring as to him being able to still receive the Webelos badge once he does complete the required adventures and elective that he earlier did not achieve. He enjoys being in the scouts and this has helped him to grow tremendously. My question is can he still get the Webelos badge after he's crossed over? Thanks for your assistance.

    Jun 04, 2016 - Scouter Paul

    @Meems - What did the Den Leader say?
    A Cub Scout works on Cub Scout ranks. A Boy Scout works on Boy Scout ranks. A Boy Scout does not go back and complete Cub Scout ranks.
    Your son should be focusing his efforts on his Scout rank, then Tenderfoot, and on up to Eagle. Understanding that he ran out of time to earn Webelos could be used as incentive to help him strive towards upcoming ranks he wants to achieve.

    Jun 04, 2016 - Meems

    @Scouter Paul. Hi. Thanks for responding back. I haven't heard back from the Den Leader yet. He was in Webelos I before the graduation. I believe he's moved onto AOL. We were told that he would still be working from the Webelos handbook when he starts back up in September again. So I would think that he's still technically In Cub Scouts. The den leader is aware of my son's autism and that it takes him longer to understand and comprehend information. He did achieve the Duty to God and First Responder adventures along with the Game Design elective. However he only received a pin for the elective. I'm sure that him not receiving his badge opened his eyes and has made him realize that he needs to step up. But my understanding is that he will still be a part of Webelos when he returns. This is the same as to how he works in school. This was his first year fully mainstreamed into a general education class so he has had to adapt to the new class settings and work requirements. We were also told that some of the adventure like the cast iron and walkabout were done on the camping trips. And because he did not stay overnight he was not able to complete those adventures. My son's cognitive and sensory issues set him back from staying overnight however I have brought him during the daytime. Our den leader does try to make the effort to include him but sometimes it takes more understanding that he needs more time and effort to complete tasks.

    Aug 04, 2016 - Maria

    Hi, The boys in our den are going into 5th grade, 2nd year Webelos. Our den leader left but we have been working on the requirements needed to cross over into Boy Scouts since they were first year Webelos. Do we have to start over again? We completed Duty to God and You and First Responder.
    Thank you.

    Aug 04, 2016 - Scouter Paul

    @Maria - To join a Boy Scout troop, a boy needs to have completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award, and is at least 10 years old, or is 11 years old. An 11 year old, or 10 year old done with 5th grade, does not need to have had any Cub Scouting experience at all, and there are no other requirements needed to cross over to a troop.

    Your scouts do not need to start over. Their new den leader should continue with the program and help them earn their Webelos rank and then Arrow of Light award if possible before they move on to Boy Scouts.

    Aug 30, 2016 - Miss Sally

    Which Scout sign is appropriate for Webelos to use during Pack flag ceremonies and such? I have one parent that says should still be the Cub Scout sign as they are technically still Cub Scouts. I think they should be using the Boy Scout sign as they are transitioning to that group. Is there any definitive answer?

    Aug 30, 2016 - Scouter Paul

    @Sally - Webelos use the Cub Scout sign. For "a definitive answer", you can look in the Webelos Handbook.

    Sep 09, 2016 - Rachael

    Hi Scouter Paul- Now that we are assembling the boys for AOL, many went to summer daycamp and "re-completed" electives they did originally as Webelos or in one case, a scout does not have 3 remaining electives left as he did a bunch on his own prior to the Webelos requirements being completed with the larger group. How do we count electives towards AOL in this case? ie sportsman a scout could have played different or new sports across the two years and learned different sport hand signals, etc. Just not sure how to count when an 18 month program that was front- weighted on electives for the camp attendees vs others. any suggestion/advice welcome.

    Sep 09, 2016 - Scouter Paul

    @Rachael - The Webelos den leader is supposed to be signing off any advancement completions, not the scout nor the parent. So, a Webelos going off with his family and 'doing' a bunch of electives without the knowledge of the den leader really should not be happening.
    If a scout completed some electives, and his den leader is comfortable that he actually did them, then they just get signed off and life goes forward. The den leader has (hopefully) set a schedule of what required and elective adventures will be done as a den and the scouts can do them as scheduled. A scout that has already completed one of those scheduled can either help the other scouts, do it again himnself, or figure out some other adventure to do since he's already doing things on his own anyway (which I think has him missing out on a lot).

    Sep 10, 2016 - Rachael

    Thanks for the quick reply. This scout that did so many has an older brother that is a Boy Scout (his dad is a leader for BS) so he has been at many of their events and activities which translate down- not as though he isn't participating actively also in the Webeloes den group stuff. The issue is there are 3 unique electives left for him (he is doing the stuff and went to summer camp which had him re-earn 3 already).

    Oct 02, 2016 - John

    Our Webelos leader told my scout on the first day of Webelos that he was in the wrong uniform. He was in his blue cub scout uniform that we just purchased last year (his first year of scouts) She said he needs to be in the tan uniform. The webelos book says it is the parents choice between blue or tan for the webelos. There is further an akward situation because our pack leader stands down so to speak when it comes to the Webelos and our Troop Leader is the webelos den leader. Many times the Webelos and boy scouts meet together. Any input from a more organized Pack/troop?

    Oct 26, 2016 - Jessica

    Can the core requirements count also as electives? So say I have someone who has done all of the Webelos Core and is now working on AOL. Can those webelos core count towards the 3 AOL electives for AOL? Or is it that each adventure can only go towards one thing? So all together a scout would need to complete 5 elective adventures (2 for Webelos and 3 for AOL). And where would I find this information to show to another leader?

    Oct 29, 2016 - Scouter Paul

    @Jessica - There is no reference that I can point you to, but 'Angela' at National BSA says in an email .
    "An incoming 5th grade Webelos, who is only working towards Arrow of Light, can use any Webelos Required Adventures towards his Arrow of Light Electives."

    A Scout who has used the Webelos required adventures to earn the Webelos rank can NOT use them again towards his Arrow of Light rank.

    Mar 05, 2017 - Kate McVicker

    I am trying to complete the Building a Better World requirement with my boys. Has anyone been successful finding a group to have as a pen pal outside of the USA to complete that requirement. Thanks in advance for the help!

    May 04, 2017 - Maureen G.

    Hi, just wanted to confirm that with the new program, the Webelos still have the 2 years to actually earn their Webelos badge, correct? Or do they have to have earned their Webelos badge at crossover when they become Webelos 2?

    May 04, 2017 - Scouter Paul

    @Maureen - On page 5 of the Webelos Handbook, it states "Boys who have completed the third grade work on the Webelos rank. Boys who have completed the fourth grade work on the Arrow of Light rank."

    On this BSA page, it states ". boys who were previously members of a Webelos den but did not earn the Webelos rank, shall work on Arrow of Light requirements during their fifth-grade year."

    So, the BSA directs that the Webelos rank is to be earned in 4th grade.

    May 09, 2017 - Jane

    @Maureen - They can continue to work towards both their Webelos rank and also Arrow of Light rank, because it is considered to be a single program for Webelos Scouts that lasts from 12 to 18-22 months (on average). However, if they earn both ranks, the Webelos rank has to have a completion date on or before the Arrow of Light rank. The intent was not to force boys to earn 2 ranks in their 5th grade year.

    And for all Cub Scout ranks, the Pack Committee has the discretion to grant an extension of time for individual Scouts if they are close to earning their rank at the end of the school year. Please see section "Do Your Best" on pages 18-19 of the BSA's Guide to Advancement:

    Dec 08, 2017 - JKS

    We're in an odd situation whereby my son will 9 years old when he completes 5th grade. So will he be able to transition in BS or must he wait an additional year until he's 10?

    And if he must wait an additional year, what does he work toward after completing the AOL requirement?

    Dec 08, 2017 - Scouter Paul

    @JKS - Check out the official BSA youth application:
    "Children can be Scouts if they have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old, OR have earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old, OR are age 11 but have not reached age 18."
    So, "10 years old" is the minimum age to join Boy Scouts. He can join on his birthday, if he has completed 5th grade or earned AOL.
    In the meantime, has he completed every Webelos/AOL adventure? And there are a few other Cub Scout awards he could earn.

    Jan 15, 2018 - Bill

    Can you give better definition for Webelos Stronger, Faster Higher Requirement 2? What is the basis for progress? Is it reps/minute or .

    Jan 15, 2018 - Scouter Paul

    @Bill - The measurements are listed on pages 93-94 of the Webelos handbook. 20 yard dash - time. vertical jump - height. lifting a 5 pound weight, push-ups, curls - reps until too tired. jumping rope - reps until miss.

    Jan 15, 2018 - Bill

    Thanks, I didn't notice that it was listed under #3. Somewhat confusing.

    Jun 26, 2018 - Elenaluvs777

    My son seems to not have any motivation but not because he doesnt care. He is just shy & doesn’t ask for help. It seems he is just so happy go lucky that he takes little seriously. That being said I never know of any pack meetings & all of a sudden he has a meeting to get his arrow of light and webelos. His den leader texts me the one last things he has to do & when i show my son he doesn’t even understand what it means. I feel horrible and embarrassed. We haven’t been able to afford a book. What does 1 more elective look like? How does he prove he did 2 A, B & E? He missed scouts the day of the walk about but was asked to complete it (thankful). How do we do that?

    Jun 30, 2018 - Jane

    Elenaluvs777, it sounds like you need better communication with your son's Den Leader. If you can't afford a book, have you tried talking to the pack for some assistance? They might not know that you can't afford one.

    Here are the current requirements for Webelos and Arrow of Light ranks: filestore.scouting.org/filestore/cubscouts/ pdf/WEBELOS_AOL_Addendum.pdf

    All of the Webelos Walkabout adventure can be done with the Scout's family. Just complete the requirements. Pictures might be a good idea. But a Scout is trustworthy, so he should be able to talk to his Den Leader after the requirements have been completed and get credit.