
Questions can be addressed to Erica Diaz, Student Affairs Manager at

Chem Engr 184B (3)
G.E. Elective (8)
Technical Elective (3)

*If applying to the BS/M Materialsprogram, sophmores just take Phys 4 in Winter or Spring and juniors must take Matrl 100A in fall, Matrl 100B in winter, and Matrl 100C in spring. (Students may only count one course towards the major - Matrl 101 or Matrl 100C)


All students, as part of our ABET Chemical Engineering Accreditation, must complete a Technical Elective Worksheet outlining how they plan to satisfy the technical elective requirements for their BS degree in Chemical Engineering.

The minimum number of units required to fulfill the Technical Elective requirement for graduation is 15; these 15 units must be selected from the attached List of Approved Courses .

(1) At least 9 of the 15 total units must be taken in the ChE, ME, ECE or MATRL departments.

(2) The 6 additional units must be taken from the approved list of courses below.

(3) Only three units of ChE 196/198 (Independent Research) can be counted towards technical elective requirements; additional units and other 198-199 units will be counted as free electives. ChE 99 does not count as TE credit.

(4) If the course is not on the approved Technical Electives List, please fill out this Request Form for a department evaluation to articulate the units.

After reviewing the list of approved courses and deciding on which courses to take, complete the Technical Elective Worksheet .

After completing the top portion of the form and listing the courses that you have taken or plan on taking to fulfill the Technical Elective requirement, sign the form and return it via email to Erica Diaz or for Department approval. Changes can be made to your list of technical electives after the form has been turned in. It is not necessary to complete a new worksheet with updated coursework.